There are many different factors that go into determining current LASIK eye surgery cost or price points. Of course, different doctors are going to charge different amounts depending on their level of experience and how in demand their services are. Yet, there are many other things that go into pricing this type of surgery as well.
The biggest factor in determining price is the type of instrument to be used. Basic LASIK surgery with handheld blades and instruments is going to cost less than the newer laser surgeries. The laser surgery is still the most preferred method for consumers today, despite a subtle price difference.
In general, consumers in 2009 can expect to pay in the area of $2,000 per eye. Surgery with handheld instruments can often be found a bit lower than this amount, while the laser surgeries can easily run a bit higher.
Another factor that goes into the final price is the amount of correction that needs to completed and the amount of after care that a patient may require. The more work the doctor has to put in, the higher the charge is going to be.
There are also some special technologies that can be utilized when a doctor deems them necessary. The most popular is Wavefront LASIK, which allows for more precise, detailed corrections and less risk of mistakes. Of course, the charge for this procedure is going to be higher, moving the average price more toward $2,500.
These are just average prices from one reliable source. Consumers can likely find lower prices if they call around in their local area and see what qualified doctors in their area are currently charging.
The only way to know for sure how much your LASIK eye surgery cost will be is to go in for a consultation with a qualified professional. They will be able to determine how much correction you need, whether it is necessary in both eyes, and give a more reliable quote.
Make sure that when looking for the best LASIK eye surgery cost that you don't put too much emphasis on cost alone. While finding a low LASIK eye surgery cost may be nice, your health should be your top priority.
Article Source:
lasik video cost of lasik surgery
lasik procedure
cost of lasik in canada
lasik and PRK alternatives
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